Did you know that you can easily save money at the grocery store without dumpster diving for coupons (any Extreme Couponing fans out there?!) I’ve found an easy way to save money at the grocery store without the hassle of clipping coupons. Check out my tips below.
4 Ways to Always Save Money at the Grocery Store
Grocery Coupon Apps
I mentioned you wouldn’t have to dumpster dive or pull out the scissors so here me out on this one. There are so many apps out there to help you save money at the grocery store. My personal favorite is your own grocery store’s app. I typically shop at Sprouts, Safeway, and Grocery Outlet. Both Sprouts and Safeway have free apps that you can download to your phone to electronically find and clip coupons. Plus, you’re able to see their weekly ad flyers on the app, which will help you see what is on sale that week. Ibotta is another great app, you can earn money back from things you regularly purchase. You have to answer a few market research questions before you can electronically clip coupons, but the money you will save is worth the 10 seconds it takes you to answer the questions.
Shop the Perimeter of the Grocery Store
We’ve all heard dietitians tell us to shop the perimeter of the store, but did you know that not only will not buying junk food shrink your waist, but it will also shrink your grocery bill. Ever wonder why you have to walk through the entire grocery store just to grab a gallon of milk or a package of chicken? Junk food often has the highest markup, which means grocers strategically place it throughout the store. That gum and those candy bars you often grab when you’re at the register are some of the worst deals in the entire store!
Choose Generic
I know what you’re thinking, Cheetos, and Cheese Curls aren’t quite the same thing, and there’s something special about the brand name. I agree. However, there are a lot of items in which the generic and the brand name taste exactly the same. For any of your staples, i.e., beans, rice, pasta, the generic tastes exactly the same as the brand name. I’ve never heard anyone say that they can taste a difference amongst pasta brands.
Stop Buying Toiletries
I get it, paying an extra dollar or two for your shampoo and toothpaste doesn’t seem like a huge deal when you’re at the grocery store. After all, you’re paying for convenience, right? Wrong. Habits make or break a budget. While spending an extra dollar here and there may not seem like a big deal, that adds up when you’re a hundred dollars over budget. The best place to purchase your toiletries is at the drugstore. It may cost you an extra 5 minutes to run over to your nearest Walgreens, but you’ll gain peace of mind knowing you’re building money-saving habits.
Frugal Take-Aways
It’s easy to save money at the grocery store. There’s no reason you can’t cut your grocery bill in half by planning what you’re going to eat that week and sticking to meat and produce. By staying away from the center aisles and grocery store traps, you can easily keep money in your wallet.